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Factories by Hand

Sometimes a class gets some of its constructor parameters from the Guice Injector and others from the caller:

public class RealPayment implements Payment {
  public RealPayment(
        CreditService creditService,  // from the Injector
        AuthService authService,  // from the Injector
        Date startDate, // from the instance's creator
        Money amount); // from the instance's creator

The standard solution to this problem is to write a factory that helps Guice build the objects:

public interface PaymentFactory {
  public Payment create(Date startDate, Money amount);

public class RealPaymentFactory implements PaymentFactory {
  private final Provider<CreditService> creditServiceProvider;
  private final Provider<AuthService> authServiceProvider;

  public PaymentFactory(Provider<CreditService> creditServiceProvider,
      Provider<AuthService> authServiceProvider) {
    this.creditServiceProvider = creditServiceProvider;
    this.authServiceProvider = authServiceProvider;

  public Payment create(Date startDate, Money amount) {
    return new RealPayment(creditServiceProvider.get(),
      authServiceProvider.get(), startDate, amount);

...and a corresponding binding in the module:


It's annoying to write the boilerplate factory class each time this situation arrises. It's also annoying to update the factories when the implementation class' dependencies change. Factories by AssistedInject

AssistedInject generates an implementation of the factory class automatically. To use it, annotate the implementation class' constructor and the fields that aren't known by the injector:

public class RealPayment implements Payment {
  public RealPayment(
        CreditService creditService,
        AuthService authService,
        @Assisted Date startDate,
        @Assisted Money amount);

Then bind a Provider<Factory> in the Guice module:

    FactoryProvider.newFactory(PaymentFactory.class, RealPayment.class));

The FactoryProvider maps the create() method's parameters to the corresponding @Assisted parameters in the implementation class' constructor. For the other constructor arguments, it asks the regular Injector to provide values.

With FactoryProvider, it's easier to create classes that need extra arguments at construction time:

  1. Annotate the constructor and assisted parameters on the implementation class (such as RealPayment)

  2. Create a factory interface with a create() method that takes only the assisted parameters. Make sure they're in the same order as in the constructor
  3. Bind that factory to a provider created by FactoryProvider.