Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Locked History Actions


Circumflex ORM Documentation訳



Circumflex ORMはオブジェクトリレーショナルマッピング(ORM)フレームワークであり、 エレガントなDSLを使ってデータセントリックなアプリケーションを素早く簡潔に効率的に作成することができる。

オブジェクトリレーショナルマッピングという用語は、オブジェクトモデルのデータ表現をリレーショナルデータモデルにマッピングする技術を指す。 ORMツールは開発を著しくスピードアップするが、それは ありきたりのCRUD操作を除去し、ベンダ依存のSQL方言をカプセル化して可搬性をよくし、クエリのためのオブジェクト指向APIを提供し、オブジェクト間の関連の透過的なナビゲーションをサポートするなどの機能ゆえである。


If you use Maven for building your project, add following lines to pom.xml (or merge XML sections accordingly):

  <cx.version><!-- desired version --></cx.version>

If you prefer SBT, make sure that libraryDependencies of your project contains following artifact:

"ru.circumflex" % "circumflex-orm" % cxVersion % "compile->default"

where cxVersion points to desired Circumflex version. Here's the sample project configuration:

import sbt._

class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
  val cxVersion = "2.0"

  override def libraryDependencies = Set(
      "ru.circumflex" % "circumflex-orm" % cxVersion % "compile->default"
  ) ++ super.libraryDependencies


You can follow SBT Setup Guide to create a new project.

Note that first-time builds usually require a substantial amount of dependencies downloads.


  • orm.connection.driver — 使用するデータベースのJDBCドライバクラスのfully-qualifiedな名前
  • orm.connection.url — データベースのURL(データベースのマニュアルを参照のこと)
  • orm.connection.username と orm.connection.password — JDBCコネクションを得るためのアカウントデータ



アプリケーションのコンフィギュレーション方法の詳細については「Circumflex Configuration API」を参照してほしい。



import ru.circumflex.orm._


Circumflex ORMを使って作成されたアプリは、次のような概念と関わることになる。

  • Record - データベーステーブルあるいはビューの行をラップしたものであり、データベースアクセスとそのデータに関するドメインロジックをカプセル化したもの。
  • Relation - 関連するレコード用のデータベースオブジェクト(テーブルあるいはビュー)をカプセル化し、そのデータのクエリ・操作・バリデーションメソッドを追加したもの。
  • Field - レコードあるいはテーブル列内のアトミックなデータを表す
  • Association — incapsulates Field which links one type of Record with another, this relationship is expressed by foreign keys in the database;
  • Query - データ取得あるいはデータ操作のためのデータベースとのコミュニケーション
  • SchemaObject - 抽象データベースオブジェクトを表す。これにはトリガー、インデックス、contstraint、ストアド、テーブル、ビューがある


アプリのドメインモデルを作成する過程をデータ定義という。 これには通常、次のステップがある。

  • レコードとレコードのサブクラスを定義する
  • フィールド及びレコードのAssociationを定義する
  • レコードのプライマリキーを定義する
  • defining the relation, a companion object subclassed from corresponding record and mixed with one of the Relation traits (Table or View);
  • adding constraints, indexes and other auxiliary database objects to relation;
  • adding methods for querying and manipulating records to relation;
  • specifying, how the record should be validated.


訳注:簡単に言えば、class Countryは「レコード」を表し、object Countryは「テーブル」を表していることに注意。

class Country extends Record[String, Country] {
  val code = "code".VARCHAR(2).NOT_NULL
  val name = "name".TEXT.NOT_NULL

  def PRIMARY_KEY = code
  def relation = Country

object Country extends Country with Table[String, Country]


この例で、Countryテーブルはcodeとnameという二つのフィールドを持つ。 最初の型パラメータStringはプライマリキーのタイプを示す(以降PKと呼ぶ)。 第二型パラメータはクラスそのものを指すが、これはタイプセーフティのためである。 Recordクラスは二つの抽象メソッドPRIMARY_KEY, relationを持つので、これらを実装しなければならない。

PRIMARY_KEYメソッドは、PKの型(この例ではString)とマッチするフィールドを指し示さなければならない。 プライマリキーはデータベーステーブル上でユニークにレコードを示すものである。 残念ながら、Circumflex ORMは現在のところ複合プライマリキーをサポートしていない。

relationは、レコードに関連するコンパニオンオブジェクトを示す。 これはレコードクラスと同一の名称でなければならず、さらにレコードフィールドを継承するために、レコードそのものをextendsしていなければならない。

レコードクラスの本体はフィールド定義である。 フィールドはpublicでimmutable(val)のメンバーである。 それぞれのフィールドはデータベーステーブルの列に関係づけられる。

上記の例が示すように、フィールド定義はクラッシックなDDLに近いものである。 文字列で列名を指定してからフィールド型指定メソッドを呼び、必要であれば列定義変更メソッドを呼ぶ。


val name = "name".TEXT.NOT_NULL



SQL type

Scala type

Implementing class









DOUBLE(precision: Int, scale: Int)




NUMERIC(precision: Int, scale: Int roundingMode: BigDecimal.RoundingMode.RoundingMode)








VARCHAR(length: Int)




















上のデフォルトSQLタイプはデフォルト方言で定義されたタイプであり、ベンダ特有の方言でオーバライドすることができる。 なおかつ、Fieldを継承したカスタムSQLタイプによるフィールドを定義することも可能だ。 詳細はCircumflex ORM APIドキュメントを参照のこと。

バージョン2.0からは、デフォルトではNOT NULL制約は付けられないことになった(これはSQL仕様と同一である)。 NOT NULLの列については明示的にNOT_NULLを呼ばなければならない。

val mandatory = "mandatory".TEXT.NOT_NULL
val optional = "optional".TEXT


val createdAt = "created_at".TIMESTAMP.NOT_NULL(new Date)

フィールドのデフォルト式を指定することもできる。it will be rendered in database column definition:

val radius = "radius".NUMERIC.NOT_NULL
val square = "square".NUMERIC.NOT_NULL.DEFAULT("PI() * (radius ^ 2)")


val login = "login".VARCHAR(64).NOT_NULL.UNIQUE


val age = "age".INTEGER  // Field[Int, R]
// accessing
age.value                     // Option[Int]
age.get                       // Option[Int]
age()                         // Int
age.getOrElse(default: Int)   // Int
age.null_?                    // Boolean
// setting
age := 25

ドメイン特有のロジックをレコードクラスに格納するのは良い習慣だ(訳注:そうだろうか?)。 以下の例では、もっとも単純な例を示す。 toStringをオーバライドし、代替コンストラクタを定義している。

class Country extends Record[String, Country] {
  def PRIMARY_KEY = code
  def relation = Country
  // Constructor shortcuts
  def this(code: String, name: String) = {
    this.code := code
    this.name := name
  // Fields
  val code = "code" VARCHAR(2) DEFAULT("'ch'")
  val name = "name" TEXT
  // Miscellaneous
  override def toString = name.getOrElse("Unknown")


Relationは対応するRecordのコンパニオンオブジェクトとして定義される。 以前言及したように、Relationオブジェクトは対応するRecordクラスと同じ名前を持つオブジェクトでなければならず、 Recordから派生していなくてはならず、そして一つのRelationトレイト(TableあるいはView)をミックスしていなければならない。

class Country extends Record[String, Country] {
  def relation = Country
  // ...
object Country extends Country with Table[String, Country]

制約とインデックスの定義はRelationの本体に奥ことができる。 それらは、publicでイミュータブル(val)のメンバーである必要がある。

object Country extends Country with Table[String, Country] {
  // 名前付のユニーク制約
  val codeKey = CONSTRAINT("code_uniq").UNIQUE(this.code)
  // デフォルト名を持つユニーク制約
  val codeKey = UNIQUE(this.code)
  // 名前付CHECK制約
  val codeChk = CONSTRAINT("code_chk").CHECK("code IN ('ch', 'us', 'uk', 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'pt')")
  // 名前付き外部キー制約
  val fkey = CONSTRAINT("eurozone_code_fkey").FOREIGN_KEY(EuroZone, this.code -> EuroZone.code)
  // インデックス
  val idx = "country_code_idx".INDEX("LOWER(code)").USING("btree").UNIQUE

他のオプションについては「Circumflex ORM APIドキュメント」を参照のこと。


object User extends Table[Long, User] {
  def findByLogin(l: String): Option[User] = (this AS "u").map(u =>
      SELECT(u.*).FROM(u).WHERE(u.login LIKE l).unique)

さらなる情報はquerying, data manipulation and Criteria API セクションを参照のこと。


Circumflex ORMでは、データベースが生成した識別子をプライマリキーとして使うことができる。以下を見てみよう。

class City extends Record[Long, City] with IdentityGenerator[Long, City] {
  val name = "name".TEXT.NOT_NULL
  def PRIMARY_KEY = id
  def relation = City

object City extends City with Table[Long, City]

これはサロゲートプライマリキーの例だ。 レコードが挿入されるとid値が生成される。 そして、(自動的に?)追加のselect文が発行されて、生成値が読み出される。

詳細はCircumflex ORM API Documentationを参照のこと。



class City extends Record[Long, City] {
  val country = "country_code".TEXT.REFERENCES(Country).ON_DELETE(CASCADE).ON_UPDATE(NO_ACTION)


Associationは暗黙的にテーブル定義に外部キー制約を追加する。 ON_DELETEあるいはON_UPDATEによるカスケードアクションを指定することができる。 引数は次のいずれか。

  • NO_ACTION (デフォルト)

Associationには「向き」がある。 Associationを所有するリレーションは子リレーションと呼ばれ、Associationが参照するリレーションは親リレーションと呼ばれる。


// accessing
country.value                       // Option[Country]
country.get                         // Option[Country]
country()                           // Country
country.getOrElse(default: Country) // Country
country.null_?                      // Boolean
// setting
country := switzerland

Associationはオブジェクトそれ自体は保持しない。 代わりに、その内部フィールドにあるプライマリキーを保持する。 フィールドメソッドを使ってこの値に直接アクセスすることができる。

country.field   // Field[String, R]
country.field := "ch"

get, apply, valueあるいはgetOrElseメソッドを使ってAssociationにアクセスすると、現在のトランザクションのキャッシュからそのレコードが返される。 レコードがキャッシュに存在しなかった場合、transparentなSQL-selectが発行されてレコードが取得される。 このテクニックは、lazy initializationとかlazy fetchingと呼ばれる。

val c = new City
c.id := 16
c.country()   // id = 16のCountryを取得するためにSELECTクエリが発行される。
c.country()   // 以降selectは発行されない


class Country extends Record[String, Country] {
  def cities = inverseMany(City.country)

逆方向Associationはリレーションのフィールドでは表現されない。 これらは、子リレーションに対するSELECTの発行によって初期化される。

val c = new Country
c.code := 'ch'
c.cities()   // country_code = 'ch'であるCityオブジェクトの取得のために
             // SELECT クエリが実行される
c.cities()   // 以降、SELECTは発行されない

このようにして、いわゆる«one-to-many»関係を実現できる。 «one-to-one»関係は、(子テーブル中の)Associationにunique制約を設け、 親テーブルでinverseOneを使うことによってシミュレートできる。

straitあるいはinverseのAssociationについて、Criteria APIを使ってプリフェッチングを行うこともできる。



バリデーションは、一つ以上のバリデータを使って行われる。 バリデータは、レコードを引数としてOption[Msg]を返しすが、これは成功であればNone、そうでなければSome[Msg]になる。バリデーションが失敗した場合、Msgはどこに問題があるのかを示すものになる。 メッセージの取り扱い型はCircumflex Messages API ドキュメントを参照してほしい。


object Country extends Table[String, Country] {
  validation.add(r => ...)
      .add(r => ...)


object Country extends Table[String, Country] {
      .pattern(_.code, "(?i:[a-z]{2})")

レコードを貼りデートするには、validateあるいはvalidate_!を呼び出すこと。 前者はOption[MsgGroup]を返す。

rec.validate match {
  case None => ...            // バリデーション成功
  case Some(errors) => ...    // バリデーション失敗


validate_!メソッドは、レコードがデータベースにセーブされる際にも呼び出される。 詳細は、「Insert, Update & Delete」セクションを参照のこと。


  • Following example shows a validator for checking unique email addresses:

object Account extends Table[Long, Account] {
  validation.add(r => criteria
      .add(r.email EQ r.email())
      .map(a => new Msg(r.email.uuid + ".unique")))


データベースから情報取得はクエリと呼ばれる。 Circumflex ORMでは様々なクエリ方法を提供している。

  • selectクエリを使う、これはニートなオブジェクト指向DSLを使ってレコードを取得する。SQLライクなシンタックスで任意のプロジェクションを取得することもできる。
  • Criteria APIを使う。using the Criteria API, an alternative DSL for retrieving records with associations prefetching capabilities;
  • ネイティブなベンダ特有のクエリを使ってレコードや任意のプロジェクションを取得する。


  • list()はクエリを実行してSeq[T]を返す。
  • unique()はクエリを実行してOption[T]を返す。データベースから複数行が返されたら例外を発生する。
  • resultSet[A](actions: ResultSet => A)はクエリを実行してJDBC ResultSetオブジェクトを指定されたアクション関数に渡す。「結果」はその関数によって決定される。



// クエリ用のリレーションノードを準備する
val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
// クエリを準備する
val q = SELECT (co.*) FROM (co JOIN ci) WHERE (ci.name LIKE "Lausanne") ORDER_BY (co.name ASC)
// クエリを実行する
q.list    // returns Seq[Country]




  • SELECT clause — specifies a projection which determines the actual result of query execution;
  • FROM clause — specifies relation nodes which will participate in query;
  • WHERE clause — specifies a predicate which will be used by database to filter the records in result set;
  • ORDER_BY clause — tells database how the result set should be sorted;
  • GROUP_BY clause — specifies a subset of projections which will be used by database for grouping;
  • HAVING clause — specifies additional predicate which will be applied by database after grouping;
  • LIMIT clause and OFFSET clause — tell database to return a subset of result set and specify it's boundaries;
  • set operations — allow to combine the results of two or more SQL queries.




val co = Country AS "co"
// fetch all countries
SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) list

A handy map method can be used to make code a bit clearer:

// fetch all countries
(Country AS "CO").map(co => SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) list)

Relation nodes can be organized into query trees using joins.


Projection reflects the type of data returned by query. Generally, it consists of expression which can be understood in the SELECT clause of database and a logic to translate the corresponding part of result set into specific type.

Projections are represented by the Projection[T] trait, where T denotes to the type of objects which should be read from result set. Projections which only read from single database column are refered to as atomic projections, they are subclassed from the AtomicProjection trait. Projections which span across multiple database columns are refered to as composite projections, they are subclassed from the CompositeProjection trait and consist of one or more subProjections.

The most popular projection is RecordProjection, it is designed to retrieve records. The * method of RelationNode returns a corresponding RecordProjection for relation.

You can also query single fields, Field is converted to FieldProjection implicitly when called against RelationNode:

val ci = City AS "ci"
(SELECT (ci.id) FROM ci).list      // returns Seq[Long]
(SELECT (ci.name) FROM ci).list    // returns Seq[String]

You can also query a pair of two projections with following syntax:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
SELECT (ci.* -> co.*) FROM (co JOIN ci) list    // returns Seq[(Option[City], Option[Country])]

Another useful projection is AliasMapProjection:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
SELECT(ci.* AS "city", co.* AS "country").FROM(co JOIN ci).list    // returns Seq[Map[String, Any]]

In this example the query returns a set of maps. Each map contains a City record under city key and a Country record under the country key. The SELECT clause accepts arbitrary quantity of projections.

You can even use arbitrary expression which your database understands as long as you specify the expected type:

SELECT(expr[java.util.Date]("current_timestamp")).unique   // returns Option[java.util.Date]

There are also some predefined projection helpers for your convenience:


For example, following snippet will return the count of records in the City table:

(City AS "ci").map(ci => SELECT(COUNT(ci.id)).FROM(ci).unique)

You can easily implement your own projection helper. For example, if you use SQL substring function frequently, you can «teach» Circumflex ORM to select substrings.

Here's the code you should place somewhere in your library (or utility singleton):

object MyOrmUtils {
  def SUBSTR(f: TextField, from: Int = 0, length: Int = 0) = {
    var sql = "substring(" + f.name
    if (from > 0) sql += " from " + from
    if (length > 0) sql += " for " + length
    sql += ")"
    new ExpressionProjection[String](sql)

And here's the code to use it:

import MyOrmUtils._
(Country AS "co")
    .map(co => SELECT(SUBSTR(co.code, 1, 1)).FROM(co).list)   // returns Seq[String]


述語とはパラメータ付の式(?)であり、データベースによって論理値として計算される。 一般に、述語はSQLクエリ中のWHEREあるいはHAVING句で用いられ、結果セット行をフィルタリングする。


  • The easiest way to compose a Predicate instance is to use implicit conversion from String or Field to SimpleExpressionHelper and call one of it's methods:

SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) WHERE (co.name LIKE "Switz%")




SQL equivalent

Comparison operators

EQ(value: Any)

= ?

NE(value: Any)

<> ?

GT(value: Any)

> ?

GE(value: Any)

>= ?

LT(value: Any)

< ?

LE(value: Any)

<= ?

BETWEEN(lower: Any, upper: Any)


Null handling






IN(query: SQLQuery[_])


NOT_IN(query: SQLQuery[_])


EQ_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

= ALL (SELECT ...)

NE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

<> ALL (SELECT ...)

GT_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

> ALL (SELECT ...)

GE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

>= ALL (SELECT ...)

LT_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

< ALL (SELECT ...)

LE_ALL(query: SQLQuery[_])

<= ALL (SELECT ...)

EQ_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])


NE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])

<> SOME (SELECT ...)

GT_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])


GE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])

>= SOME (SELECT ...)

LT_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])


LE_SOME(query: SQLQuery[_])

<= SOME (SELECT ...)


LIKE(value: Any)


ILIKE(value: Any)


IN(params: Any*)

IN (?, ?, ...)


AND(co.name LIKE "Switz%", co.code EQ "ch")
// あるいは中置記法で
(co.name LIKE "Switz%") OR (co.code EQ "ch")


NOT(co.name LIKE "Switz%")


SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) WHERE ("co.code like 'ch'"))


prepareExpr("co.name like :name or co.code like :code", "name" -> "Switz%", "code" -> "ch")


SelectのORDER_BY句にオーダリング式を記述する。 これらは、結果セットの行のソート順を指定するものである。 最も簡単な指定方法は、文字列あるいはフィールドに対し、暗黙的にOrderへと変換するものだ。

SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) ORDER_BY (co.name)


SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) ORDER_BY (co.name ASC)



Joins are used to combine records from two or more relations within a query.

Joins concept is a part of [relational algebra][rel-algebra-wiki]. If you are not familiar with joins in relational databases, consider spending some time to learn a bit about them. A good place to start will be the Join_(SQL) article on Wikipedia.

Joins allow you to build queries which span across several associated relations:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
// find cities by the name of their corresponding countries:
SELECT (ci.*) FROM (ci JOIN co) WHERE (co.name LIKE 'Switz%')

As the example above shows, joins are intended to be used in the FROM clause of query. The result of calling the JOIN method is an instance of JoinNode class:

val co2ci = (Country AS "co") JOIN (City AS "ci")   // JoinNode[Country, City]

Every JoinNode has it's left side and right side (co JOIN ci is not equivalent to ci JOIN co).

Left Associativity

An important thing to know is that the join operation is left-associative: if join is applied to JoinNode instance, the operation will be delegated to the left side of JoinNode.

To illustrate this, let's take three associated tables, Country, City and Street:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
val st = Street AS "st"

We want to join them in following order: Country → (City → Street). Since join operation is left-associative, we need extra parentheses:

co JOIN (ci JOIN st)

Now let's join the same tables in following order: (City → Street) → Country. In this case the parentheses can be omitted:

ci JOIN st JOIN co

Joining Predicate

By default Circumflex ORM will try to determine joining predicate (the ON subclause) by searching the associations between relations.

Let's say we have two associated relations, Country and City. We can use implicit joins between Country and City:

Country AS "co" JOIN (City AS "ci")
// country AS co LEFT JOIN city AS ci ON ci.country_code = co.code
City AS "ci" JOIN (Country AS "co")
// city AS ci LEFT JOIN country AS co ON ci.country_code = co.code

However, if no explicit association exist between relations (or if they are ambiguous), you may need to specify the join predicate explicitly:

ci.JOIN(co).ON("ci.country_code = co.code")

Join Types

Like in SQL, joins can be of several types. Depending on the type of join, rows which do not match the joining predicate will be eliminated from one of the sides of join. Following join types are available:

  • INNER joins eliminate unmatched rows from both sides; LEFT joins return all matched rows plus one copy for each row in the left side relation for which there was no matching right-hand row (extended with NULLs on the right); RIGHT joins, conversely, return all matched rows plus one copy for each row in the right side relation for which there was no matching right-hand row (extended with NULLs on the left); FULL joins return all the joined rows, plus one row for each unmatched left-hand row (extended with NULLs on the right), plus one row for each unmatched right-hand row (extended with NULLs on the left).;

    cross joins are achieved by passing multiple RelationNode arguments to FROM, they produce the Cartesian product of records, no join conditions are applied to them.

If no join type specified explicitly, LEFT join is assumed by default.

You can specify the type of join by passing an argument to the JOIN method:

(Country AS "co").JOIN(City AS "ci", INNER)

Or you may call one of specific methods instead:

Country AS "co" INNER_JOIN (City AS "ci")
Country AS "co" LEFT_JOIN (City AS "ci")
Country AS "co" RIGHT_JOIN (City AS "ci")
Country AS "co" FULL_JOIN (City AS "ci")

Grouping & Having

A query can optionally condense into a single row all selected rows that share the same value for a subset of query projections. Such queries are often refered to as grouping queries and the projections are usually refered to as grouping projections.

Grouping queries are built using the GROUP_BY clause:

SELECT (co.*) FROM co GROUP_BY (co.*)

As the example above shows, grouping projections are specified as arguments to the GROUP_BY method.

Grouping queries are often used in conjunction with aggregate functions. If aggregate functions are used, they are computed across all rows making up each group, producing separate value for each group, whereas without GROUP_BY an aggregate produces a single value computed across all the selected rows:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
// how many cities correspond to each selected country?
SELECT (co.* -> COUNT(ci.id)) FROM (co JOIN ci) GROUP_BY (co.*)

Groups can be optionally filtered using the HAVING clause. It accepts a predicate:

SELECT (co.* -> COUNT(ci.id)) FROM (co JOIN ci) GROUP_BY (co.*) HAVING (co.code LIKE "c_")

Note that HAVING is different from WHERE: WHERE filters individual rows before the application of GROUP_BY, while HAVING filters group rows created by GROUP_BY. Limit & Offset

The LIMIT clause specifies the maximum number of rows a query will return:

// select 10 first countries:
SELECT (co.*) FROM co LIMIT 10

The OFFSET clause specifies the number of rows to skip before starting to return results. When both are specified, the amount of rows specified in the OFFSET clause is skipped before starting to count the maximum amount of returned rows specified in the LIMIT clause:

// select 5 countries starting from 10th:

Note that query planners in database engines often take LIMIT and OFFSET into account when generating a query plan, so you are very likely to get different row orders for different LIMIT/OFFSET values. Thus, you should use explicit ordering to achieve consistent and predictable results when selecting different subsets of a query result with LIMIT/OFFSET.

Union, Intersect & Except

Most database engines allow to comine the results of two queries using the set operations. Following set operations are available:

  • UNION — appends the result of one query to another, eliminating duplicate rows from its result; UNION_ALL — same as UNION, but leaves duplicate rows in result set; INTERSECT — returns all rows that are in the result of both queries, duplicate rows are eliminated; INTERSECT_ALL — same as INTERSECT, but no duplicate rows are eliminated; EXCEPT — returns all rows that are in the result of left-hand query, but not in the result of right-hand query; again, the duplicates are eliminated; EXCEPT_ALL — same as EXCEPT, but duplicates are left in the result set.

The syntax for using set operations is:

// select the names of both countries and cities in a single result set:
SELECT (co.name) FROM co UNION (SELECT (ci.name) FROM ci)

Set operations can also be nested and chained:


The queries combined using set operations should have matching projections. Following will not compile:

SELECT (co.*) FROM co UNION (SELECT (ci.*) FROM ci)

Reusing Query Objects

When working with data-centric applications, you often need the same query to be executed with different parameters. The most obvious solution is to build Query objects dynamically:

object Country extends Table[String, Country] {
  def findByCode(code: String): Option[Country] = (this AS "co").map(co =>
      SELECT (co.*) FROM co WHERE (co.code LIKE code) unique)

However, you can use named parameters to reuse the same Query object:

object Country extends Table[String, Country] {
  val co = AS("co")
  val byCode = SELECT (co.*) FROM co WHERE (co.code LIKE ":code")
  def findByCode(c: String): Option[Country] = byCode.set("code", c).unique

Criteria API

Most (if not all) of your data retrieval queries will be focused to retrieve only one type of records. Criteria API aims to minimize your effort on writing such queries. Following snippet shows three equivalents of the same query:

// Select query:
(Country AS "co").map(co => SELECT (co.*) FROM (co) WHERE (co.name LIKE "Sw%") list)
// Criteria query:
Country.criteria.add(Country.name LIKE "Sw%").list
// or with RelationNode:
co.criteria.add(co.name LIKE "Sw%").list

As you can see, Criteria queries are more compact because boilerplate SELECT and FROM clauses are omitted.

But aside from shortening the syntax, Criteria API offers unique functionality — associations prefetching, which can greatly speed up your application when working with graphs of associated objects.

The Criteria[R] object has following methods for execution:

  • list() executes a query and returns Seq[R]; unique() executes a query and returns Option[R], an exception is thrown if more than one row is returned from database; mkSelect transforms a Criteria into the Select query; mkUpdate transforms a Criteria into the Update query; mkDelete transforms a Criteria into the Delete query; toString shows query tree for debugging.

You can use predicates to narrow the result set. Unlike Select queries, predicates are added to Criteria object using the add method and then are assembled into the conjunction:

    .add(co.name LIKE "Sw%")
    .add(co.code LIKE "ch")

You can apply ordering using the addOrder method:


Also you can add one or more associated relations to the query plan using the addJoin method so that you can specify constraints upon them:

val co = Country AS "co"
val ci = City AS "ci"
co.criteria.addJoin(ci).add(ci.name LIKE "Lausanne").list

Automatic joins are used to update query plan properly. There is no limitation on quantity or depth of joined relations. However, some database vendors have limitations on maximum size of queries or maximum amount of relations participating in a single query.

One serious limitation of Criteria API is that it does not support LIMIT and OFFSET clauses due to the fact that association prefetching normally causes result set to yield more than one row per record. You can still use LIMIT and OFFSET with SQL queries;

Prefetching Associations

When working with associated records you often need a whole graph of associations to be fetched.

Normally associations are fetched eagerly first time they are accessed, but when it is done for every record in a possibly big result set, it would result in significant performance degradation (see the [n + 1 selects problem explained][n+1] blogpost).

With Criteria API you have an option to fetch as many associations as you want in a single query. This technique is refered to as associations prefetching or eager fetching.

To understand how associations prefetching works, let's take a look at the following domain model sample:

class Country extends Record[String, Country] {
  def PRIMARY_KEY = code
  def relation = Country
  val code = "code" VARCHAR(2) DEFAULT("'ch'")
  val name = "name" TEXT
  def cities = inverseMany(City.country)

object Country extends Country with Table[String, Country]

class City extends Record[Long, City] with IdentityGenerator[Long, City] {
  def PRIMARY_KEY = id
  def relation = City
  val name = "name" TEXT
  val country = "country_code".VARCHAR(2).NOT_NULL

object City extends City with Table[Long, City]

You see two relations, Country and City. Each city has one associated country, and, conversely, each country has a list of corresponding cities.

Now you wish to fetch all cities with their corresponding countries in a single query:

val cities = City.criteria.prefetch(City.country).list
cities.foreach(c => println(c.country()))   // no selects issued

The example above shows the prefetching for straight associations. Same logic applies to inverse associations prefetching, for example, fetching all countries with their corresponding cities:

val countries = Country.criteria.prefetch(City.country).list
countries.foreach(c => println(c.cities()))   // no selects issued

Okay. Now we totally hear you saying: “How is that really possible?” — so let's explain a bit. Each Criteria object maintains it's own tree of associations, which is used to form the FROM clause of the query (using automatic left-joins) and, eventually, to parse the result set. The data from result set is parsed into chunks and loaded into transaction-scoped cache, which is subsequently used by associations and inverse associations to avoid unnecessary selects.

There is no limitation on quantity or depth of prefetches. However, some database vendors have limitations on maximum size of queries or maximum amount of relations participating in a single query.


Aside from information retrieval tasks, queries may be intended to change data in some way:

    add new records;
    update existing records (either partially or fully);
    delete existing records.

Such queries are often refered to as data manipulation queries. Insert, Update & Delete

Circumflex ORM employs Active Record design pattern. Each Record has following data manipulation methods which correspond to their SQL analogues:

  • INSERT_!(fields: Field[_, R]*) — executes an SQL INSERT statement for the record, that is, persists that record into database table. You can optionally specify fields which will appear in the statement; if no fields specified, then only non-empty fields will be used (they will be populated with NULLs or default values by database). INSERT(fields: Field[_, R]*) — same as INSERT_!, but runs record validation before actual execution; UDPATE_!(fields: Field[_, R]*) — executes an SQL UPDATE statement for the record, that is, updates all record's fields (or only specified fields, if any). The record is being looked up by it's id, so this method does not make any sense with transient records. UPDATE(fields: Field[_, R]*) — same as UPDATE_!, but runs record validation before actual execution; DELETE_!() — executes an SQL DELETE statement for the record, that is, removes that record from database. The record is being looked up by it's id, so this method does not make any sense with transient records.


Circumflex ORM provides higher abstraction for persisting records — the save_! method. It's algorithm is trivial:

  • if record is persistent (id is not empty), it is updated using the UPDATE_! method; otherwise the INSERT_! method is called, which causes database to persist the record.

There is also a handy save() method, which runs record validation and then delegates to save_!().

Note that in order to use save and save_! methods your records should support identifier generation. Bulk Queries

Circumflex ORM provides support for the following bulk data manipulation queries:

  • INSERT … SELECT — inserts the result set of specified SQLQuery into specified Relation; UPDATE — updates certain rows in specified Relation; DELETE — removes certain rows from specified Relation.

All data manipulation queries derive from the DMLQuery class. It defines a single method for execution, execute(), which executes corresponding statement and returns the number of affected rows.

Also note that each execution of any data manipulation query evicts all records from transaction-scoped cache.



// クエリを準備する
val q = (Country AS "co").map(co => INSERT_INTO (co) SELECT ...)
// 実行する

Note that projections of specified SQLQuery must match the columns of the Relation.

Update & Delete

SQLデータベースはバルク操作としてUPDATEとDELETE文をサポートしている。 Circumflex ORMはこれらの操作と等価な抽象を提供する。

The Update query allows you to use DSL for updating fields of multiple records at a time:

(Country AS "co").map(co =>
  UPDATE (co) SET (co.name, "United Kingdom") SET (co.code, "uk") execute)

The Delete query allows you to delete multiple records from a single relation:

(Country AS "co").map(co => DELETE (co) execute)

An optional WHERE clause specifies predicate for searched update or delete:

UPDATE (co) SET (co.name, "United Kingdom") WHERE (co.code LIKE 'uk')
DELETE (co) WHERE (co.code LIKE 'uk')

多くのデータベースベンダはUPDATE,DELETE文におけるUSING句を許しているが、 Circumflex ORMはまだの機能をサポートしていない。


DDLUnitを使ってデータベーススキーマスクリプトを生成できる。 このクラスを使ってプログラムからデータベースオブジェクトのcreateやdropが可能だ。

val ddl = new DDLUnit(Country, City)
// オブジェクトのdrop
// オブジェクトのcreate
// dropしてcreateする


  • preliminary auxiliary objects;
  • tables;
  • constraints;
  • views;
  • posterior auxiliary objects.



You can also setup maven-cx-plugin to export the schema for your Maven project within a build profile. Read more on Circumflex Maven Plugin page.