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Locked History Actions



アプリ開発において、すべてを一緒に記述していくというのは退屈な仕事である。 データ・サービス・プレゼンテーションのクラスをお互いに接続するには様々なアプローチがある。 これらのアプローチに対して、ピザ注文ウェブサイトのための代金支払いコードを我々ならこう書く。

public interface BillingService {

   * クレジットカードにチャージする。成功・失敗のいずれの場合にも記録される。
   * @return トランザクションのレシートを返す。チャージ成功の場合は成功レシートである。
   *  そうでなければ、レシートには失敗の理由がしめされる。
  Receipt chargeOrder(PizzaOrder order, CreditCard creditCard);

実装はもちろんだが、ユニットテストも書くことになる。テストではFakeCreditCardProcessorが必要である。 なぜなら、実際のクレジットカードにチャージしてはならないから!



public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {
  public Receipt chargeOrder(PizzaOrder order, CreditCard creditCard) {
    CreditCardProcessor processor = new PaypalCreditCardProcessor();
    TransactionLog transactionLog = new DatabaseTransactionLog();

    try {
      ChargeResult result = processor.charge(order.getAmount());

      return result.wasSuccessful()
          ? Receipt.forSuccessfulCharge(order.getAmount())
          : Receipt.forDeclinedCharge(result.getDeclineMessage());
     } catch (UnreachableException e) {
      return Receipt.forSystemFailure(e.getMessage());

このコードにはモジュール性・テスト可能性において問題がある。 実際のクレジットカードプロセッサに対する、直接的な・コンパイル時の依存があるとテスト時に実際のクレジットカードにチャージしてしまうのだ! また、チャージが拒否されたりサービスがダウンしている場合に何が起こるかをテストするには不都合だ。


ファクトリクラスはクライアントと実装クラスを分離してくれる。 単純なファクトリでは、インターフェースに対する実装を取得するのにスタティックメソッドを使う。 ボイラープレートコードで実装されたファクトリを見てみよう。

public class CreditCardProcessorFactory {
  private static CreditCardProcessor instance;
  public static void setInstance(CreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor) {
    instance = creditCardProcessor;

  public static CreditCardProcessor getInstance() {
    if (instance == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("CreditCardProcessorFactory not initialized. "
          + "Did you forget to call CreditCardProcessor.setInstance() ?");
    return instance;


public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {
  public Receipt chargeOrder(PizzaOrder order, CreditCard creditCard) {
    CreditCardProcessor processor = CreditCardProcessorFactory.getInstance();
    TransactionLog transactionLog = TransactionLogFactory.getInstance();

    try {
      ChargeResult result = processor.charge(order.getAmount());

      return result.wasSuccessful()
          ? Receipt.forSuccessfulCharge(order.getAmount())
          : Receipt.forDeclinedCharge(result.getDeclineMessage());
     } catch (UnreachableException e) {
      return Receipt.forSystemFailure(e.getMessage());


public class RealBillingServiceTest extends TestCase {

  private final PizzaOrder order = new PizzaOrder(100);
  private final CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard("1234", 11, 2010);

  private final InMemoryTransactionLog transactionLog = new InMemoryTransactionLog();
  private final FakeCreditCardProcessor creditCardProcessor = new FakeCreditCardProcessor();

  @Override public void setUp() {

  @Override public void tearDown() {

  public void testSuccessfulCharge() {
    RealBillingService billingService = new RealBillingService();
    Receipt receipt = billingService.chargeOrder(order, creditCard);

    assertEquals(100, receipt.getAmountOfCharge());
    assertEquals(creditCard, creditCardProcessor.getCardOfOnlyCharge());
    assertEquals(100, creditCardProcessor.getAmountOfOnlyCharge());

This code is clumsy. A global variable holds the implementations, so we need to be careful about setting it up and tearing it down. Should the tearDown fail, the global variable continues to point at our test instance. This could cause problems for other tests. It also prevents us from running multiple tests in parallel.

But the biggest problem is that the dependencies are hidden in the code. If we add a dependency on a CreditCardFraudTracker, we have to re-run the tests to find out which ones will break. Should we forget to initialize a factory for a production service, we don't find out until a charge is attempted. As the application grows, babysitting factories becomes a growing drain on productivity.

Quality problems will be caught by QA or acceptance tests. That may be sufficient, but we can certainly do better.


Like the factory, dependency injection is just a design pattern. The core principal is to separate behaviour from dependency resolution. In our example, the RealBillingService is not responsible for looking up the TransactionLog and CreditCardProcessor. Instead, they're passed in as constructor parameters:

public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {

  • private final CreditCardProcessor processor; private final TransactionLog transactionLog;

    public RealBillingService(CreditCardProcessor processor,

    • this.processor = processor; this.transactionLog = transactionLog;

    public Receipt chargeOrder(PizzaOrder order, CreditCard creditCard) {

    • try {
      • ChargeResult result = processor.charge(order.getAmount(), creditCard); transactionLog.logChargeResult(result); return result.wasSuccessful()

        • ? Receipt.forSuccessfulCharge(order.getAmount()) : Receipt.forDeclinedCharge(result.getDeclineMessage());
      • } catch (UnreachableException e) {

        • transactionLog.logConnectException(e); return Receipt.forSystemFailure(e.getMessage());


We don't need any factories, and we can simplify the testcase by removing the setUp and tearDown boilerplate:

public class RealBillingServiceTest extends TestCase {


Now, whenever we add or remove dependencies, the compiler will remind us what tests need to be fixed. The dependency is exposed in the API signature.

Unfortunately, now the clients of BillingService need to lookup its dependencies. We can fix some of these by applying the pattern again! Classes that depend on it can accept a BillingService in their constructor. For top-level classes, it's useful to have a framework. Otherwise you'll need to construct dependencies recursively when you need to use a service:

Dependency Injection with Guice

The dependency injection pattern leads to code that's modular and testable, and Guice makes it easy to write. To use Guice in our billing example, we first need to tell it how to map our interfaces to their implementations. This configuration is done in a Guice module, which is any Java class that implements the Module interface:

public class BillingModule extends AbstractModule {


We add @Inject to RealBillingService's constructor, which directs Guice to use it. Guice will inspect the annotated constructor, and lookup values for each of parameter.

public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {

  • private final CreditCardProcessor processor; private final TransactionLog transactionLog; @Inject

    public RealBillingService(CreditCardProcessor processor,

    • this.processor = processor; this.transactionLog = transactionLog;

    public Receipt chargeOrder(PizzaOrder order, CreditCard creditCard) {

    • try {
      • ChargeResult result = processor.charge(order.getAmount(), creditCard); transactionLog.logChargeResult(result); return result.wasSuccessful()

        • ? Receipt.forSuccessfulCharge(order.getAmount()) : Receipt.forDeclinedCharge(result.getDeclineMessage());
      • } catch (UnreachableException e) {

        • transactionLog.logConnectException(e); return Receipt.forSystemFailure(e.getMessage());


Finally, we can put it all together. The Injector can be used to get an instance of any of the bound classes.

Getting started explains how this all works.